COVID-19 and university learning spaces. Research trends.


  • Mariana-Daniela González-Zamar
  • Emilio Abad-Segura
  • César Bernal-Bravo



COVID-19, learning spaces, research, higher education, teaching


COVID-19 has disrupted the lives of humans causing devastating health effects and life of a large part of the world population, affecting the social, economic and educational spheres of the planet. The scientific community is facing one of its greatest challenges to solve a global health problem such as the COVID-19 pandemic. This situation has generated an unprecedented volume of publications. The impact of COVID-19 on teaching has meant that moments of social contact have disappeared in exchange for meetings, classes, exams or virtual meetings. In this scenario, the university classrooms when reopened will not be the same, nor will their campuses or spaces in the educational field. The objective of the study was to identify scientific publications related to the effects of COVID-19 in university classrooms during the period 2019 to the present. For this, a bibliometric analysis of the scientific literature was performed. Thus, 676 documents were identified on this subject. The results of the analysis revealed that scientific productivity has increased since January 2020 with more than 650 articles on the disease, verifying the deep interest in COVID-19 in all disciplines. The main research trends include the impact of returning to the classroom with the effects on the cognitive processes, motivations and academic performance of students


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How to Cite

González-Zamar, M.-D. ., Abad-Segura, E., & Bernal-Bravo, C. (2020). COVID-19 and university learning spaces. Research trends. IJERI: International Journal of Educational Research and Innovation, (15), 82–100.




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