Visual Arts Education literacy in university contexts




Artistic education, Literacy, Visual, higher education


In a digital world, which is evolving more and more rapidly towards the culture of the visual, acquiring visual literacy tools can be essential, especially for the professional future of university students. Art education manages to enhance the development of visual learning and motivate the student in their process of analysis, discovery, understanding, assessment and apprehension of the visual arts. The use of the image as a teaching tool in the classroom favours the progress of critical and reflective observation and promotes expressive skills. The objective of this work was to present experiences on visual learning in Art Education in university contexts. A systematic review of the literature was carried out during 1990 to 2020. The results allowed us to recognize the main author agents, their research tendencies, and reveal certain gaps in critical knowledge. Research findings and trends converge on the advantages of incorporating visual resources in higher education, emphasizing the importance of sensory approaches to support learning.


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How to Cite

González-Zamar, M. D. ., Abad-Segura, E., & Ademar Ferreyra, H. . (2023). Visual Arts Education literacy in university contexts. IJERI: International Journal of Educational Research and Innovation, (19), 170–186.




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