Training of university teachers in ICT and disability. The case of the University of Seville




Special education, higher education, information technology, disability, teaching and training


The presence of students with special educational needs in Spanish universities has increased considerably in recent decades, making it necessary to train teaching staff in certain areas. The main objective of the study is to find out the perceptions of those responsible for technology and training in university higher education centres in Seville city and province, more specifically, on the knowledge of university teaching staff in relation to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), as a support for students with disabilities. A qualitative methodology was used, with semi-structured interviews as the main instrument for collecting information. The study sample consisted of a total of 10 experts in the field of disability and technology. In terms of the conclusions of the present study, the lack of awareness of the subject and the lack of time available to teachers are notable. As for the main barriers, there is also a lack of technological training available to them when it comes to applying ICT as a support for students with disabilities.


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How to Cite

Román-Graván, P., & Fernández-Cerero, J. (2022). Training of university teachers in ICT and disability. The case of the University of Seville. IJERI: International Journal of Educational Research and Innovation, (17), 135–151.




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