Digital security, how do teachers in training perceived themselves?
Digital competence, ICT, higher education, teacher trainingAbstract
The aim of this research is to know and analyze the self-perception that the students who start the Primary Teacher Education Degree have about their ability to preserve their privacy and security in the digital environment. This capacity has become in our society something fundamental and constitutes a relevant educational challenge. This study has used a descriptive-interpretative methodology and ex post facto using a questionnaire for the collection of data of the students of the first year of the Primary Teacher Education Degree of the University of León, for four years. After collecting data of more than three hundred students over several years, we can state in general terms that the research data indicate that the students in the sample are considered competent, although we should not forget that these results only show the students' self-perception. Differences found based on sex are noteworthy.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Mario Grande-de-Prado, Ruth Cañón-Rodríguez, Sheila García-Martín

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