Design proposal towards an interdisciplinary approach to environmental education: Theoretical analysis of an innovative practice
Environmental Education, Educational Theory, Landscape, History, teacher trainingAbstract
Environmental protection has become, especially in recent decades, a relevant issue that
concerns people and that is very present in the European and international political agendas.
One of the most useful means of raising awareness of the environment and the fight against
climate change is environmental education. However, this is a specialty not yet specially
defined, which in the educational fields is offered in different ways (as an independent subject,
tangential to others, within science education, etc.). This work aims to defend the need for an
interdisciplinary environmental education that can be presented in any subject. It presents,
through a qualitative and descriptive methodology, the theoretical analysis of innovative
educational practice in the context of secondary education and from the perspective of several
specialties, focused on the description of the passage in the Europe of the Middle Ages. The
result offered is a model of classroom programming, articulated through a didactic monograph
that is the basis of the practice, which is offered as an example for implementing new
proposals for instructional design of environmental education from an interdisciplinary
approach. The presence of environmental problems in any subject and theme offers the best
framework for the awareness processes so necessary today.
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Copyright (c) 2021 José Gómez Galán, Olga Figueroa Miranda, Cristina Lázaro Pérez, Martínez López Jo´sé Ángel

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