E -learning in times of COVID-19. What have we learned?
COVID-19, education, digital competence, digital gap, Educational TechnologyAbstract
The crisis caused by COVID-19 has had a great impact on society in general and educational systems in particular. In this context, numerous studies carried out before and during the pandemic show the importance of technologies as the main guarantor tools of distance teaching and learning processes. However, there are still numerous gaps to overcome for these processes to be 100% effective. Therefore, this study tries to present an informed and critical judgment of the main variables that have affected the success or failure of virtual educational practices. In this sense, a review of the latest research and educational reports is carried out before and during the pandemic. As a result, the results are presented in three large blocks: initial questions to take into account, digital gaps and contributions for the future. It concludes by making a summary of the main facilitating factors of e-learning (politics, teachers, students, family ...) and deliberates on the training need of all the groups involved.
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